Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Climate Change - It's Real

Below I have put up a few links (there are 100’s) on climate change in the hopes that I may sway doubters to a more logical frame of mind. People are allowed to have their beliefs but I think they should take the time to understand what they refer to as “main stream media” actually says about climate change rather than listen to a bunch of pundits who hide their identities or make false claims about their education. In reality 97% of scientists (regardless of their speciality and including climatologists) support the FACT of climate change.
Why do I care about the deniers? Because I believe it behooves all people in all countries to do their part in reducing carbon emissions, cutting down forests and basically polluting our planet in sundry ways. It includes corporations as well as individuals. Instead of driving a 4-door dually truck (with one person in the vehicle) get a fuel efficient vehicle, preferably a car and not even an SUV. This is particularly important for city dwellers. I can remember when our family first moved to Calgary in 1976, the first thing we wondered was “why all the pickup trucks”? That was before any DIY hardware stores and at that time Sears, Eaton’s and Hudson Bay all had mail order catalogues that delivered directly to your home. We thought it beyond strange and I personally still think it is strange (and selfish) for people to drive trucks in the city. I don’t understand the rational except “me heap big man” syndrome.
I’ve been recycling, composting and doing my part for decades (not years) and I don’t find it difficult to do. When people complain about the carbon tax they are not paying attention to the rationale behind the tax. It is NOT a tax grab but a method of encouraging people to be more efficient with their usage of natural gas.
People need to listen more and research more and lastly care more about their planet.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Rees  THE MOST EMINENT SCIENTIST OF OUR TIME – Martin Rees
https://www.njtvonline.org/programs/amanpour-and-company/astronomer-royal-lord-martin-rees-climate-change-y6japt/  Martin Rees on Amanpour & Co – what he says about climate change and how many scientists are on the believing side.

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