Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Did You Know?

When we were still in school my father would sometimes play a game with us wherein he would ask us if we knew the name of the most expensive hat in the world (Borsalino), who was the most famous designer (Coco Chanel), where was Istanbul (Turkey) and so on. Just little quizzes to test our more obscure knowledge. We also played a game both my parents had played when they were younger and which is still fun today.
You take a piece of paper and at the top you put the categories:
GIRL NAME, BOY NAME, FLOWER, ANIMAL, CITY, COUNTRY (I seem to remember there was a 7th category but I do not recall it at the moment)
Each category is divided by a line down the paper and then one of the players chooses a letter of the alphabet; then it’s “go” and we have to write down something in each category that starts with that letter (N is really hard on the animal side). The first person who finishes calls “stop” and we have to stop. Then we say our answers – if no one has the same name you get 10 points, if there’s a duplicate you get 5 points and of course if you have nothing its zero. It’s a lot of fun and even the adults enjoy playing it in our house.
Another game we played was “Categories” where we would sit in a circle and do the clapping of hands and then come up with a category such as “TV westerns”, “Children’s Books”, “Native American Tribes”, animals, bugs, flowers and anything we could come up with. We would go out if we accidentally repeated someone else’s answer or we simply couldn’t think up another answer.
It was certainly a simple, cheap way to keep our minds nimble and our knowledge growing as youngsters.
Ah, the good old days!

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